Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Waiting for the Wild Rumpass to Start

After a nail biting week of wondering about the future of the Rumpass in Bumpass Olympic (my first race of the year), I am starting to feel a little excited:

  1. The water is supposedly warm enough for the swim (60 degrees). I really don't believe this rumor - and may regret saying this - but am hopeful that a somewhat icy swim still trumps having to run twice.
  2. An open water swim practice could actually happen prior to race day thanks to TRIgirl JS' offer to head up on Friday.
  3. Related to the above, race eve festivities include a yummy sounding dinner.
  4. I'll be surrounded by great fellow racers and sherpas - I may be bribing SuperAnnn to pour hot water from her volunteer kayak during the Lake Anna swim.
  5. Weather for the day is predicted to be sunny and in the upper 70s.
  6. I am enjoying "Where the Wild Things Are" quotes to mentally prepare for a fun "rumpus."
  7. The bike course sounds lovely and rolling.
  8. Runs have sucked ever so slightly less this week.
  9. Shoulder movement has increased, as well as interesting little popping sounds.
  10. There may be an awesome wine, named in honor of the race (or let's pretend), to break open to celebrate.


Sarah said...

Have a great race! It sounds like a blast of a weekend!

Ceeej said...

Have fun! If you want to borrow my insulated swim cap, let me know.

Unknown said...

Have the bestest time - can't wait for your race report!


Denise W said...

Sounds wonderful! Let me know how that wine works out....can't wait to hear your (awesome, I'm sure) results!

Michelle said...

Sounds like it's going to be a great day. Have fun!

tri-ing races not cases said...

You are going to do awesome! Will be cheering loud!