Monday, October 29, 2007

A Few "Moments" While Packing

Today started off fine. A good Guppies swim workout with a bunch of challenging speed sets. Coffee and bagels afterwards.

And that is when the first "moment" emerged. Paying at the Einstein's cash register, I found myself searching frantically for my debit card. I ended up using a credit card and did not start panicking until I went home an hour or so later - after thoroughly searching my car, gym bag, all recently worn clothes - and even calling the gas station where it was last used.

Yikes, still no debit card.

I called my husband to see if maybe he had borrowed it.


But we decided to not set the wheels in motion for the arduous cancellation process until the end of the day. You see, this has happened before. A few weeks after 9-11 and a day before leaving for a conference in Denver, my wallet was stolen (debit cards, credit cards, driver's license, etc.) from my desk at work. Driving to the DMV the morning I was supposed to board the flight, I was pulled over by a police officer for some small violation, like an expired sticker, burst into tears and scared away the officer by being a woman on the edge.

And so I decided to distract myself with packing for IMFL. Which really is quite stressful in of itself.

Fast forward another hour or so, my husband called and said the debit card was in our Nissan. WHEW. No idea how or why it was in there, but who the heck cared? He dropped it off at lunchtime and I was ready to run my last few IM errands - picking up groceries, new goggles, CO2 cartridges and fresh velcro for the Podiumquest.

So all was looking up until I arrived home. No UPS package on the stoop. The nutrition I ordered a few weeks ago, but some Internet glitch caused an overnight reorder on Thursday evening, was STILL NOT HERE. You know, all the stuff I've practiced when trying to consume 200 or more calories per hour - the stuff that I finally figured out I could deal with.

Breathe deep.

I called the company - they found the order and said the mishap was due to having just added the overnight shipping option. I'd paid an extra $50 for the nutrition to arrive on time - after the last problem - and it hadn't - and I was a BIT annoyed. They reassured me that there was no doubt that the order would arrive tomorrow - and since the hubby isn't coming down till Thursday - I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Otherwise, there may be a crazy woman in Panama City looking for Gus, Luna Bars and Sharkies on Wednesday.

But stay tuned for the virtual gym bag memories, they are still coming...


Cyndi said...

You mean I'm supposed to be packing?!?!? AAHHHH!!! I'm still riding the wave of denial!! Actually, I've devoted an entire 4 hours to packing tomorrow. I hope I don't forget anything!!!

Deanna, you're so ready and you're going to do such a great job! I'm so glad I've had the awesome experience of training with you!


Diane said...

Feel free to have Gary call me for chocolate or vanilla gu, s'mores Luna bars, or Mountain Berry Accelerade if you need it. I'm serious - I want you to have the nutrition you've practiced using!!!