Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Relativity and Reality

Recently, I checked out a few of my old blog entries, including one where I predicted an upcoming tough workout would seem less so a few weeks (months) out. I am not sure how much I believed it at the time, but yes, that workout would be a little less daunting now.

And sometimes I'll be hanging out with friends or neighbors who'll be asking me questions about my training - as if it is something special or as if I know what I am doing. Which I find so funny, because I am still such a fumbling back-packer most of the time - one who has, thankfully, learned a few tricks along the way.

But Eagleman is quickly approaching. I told myself, don't really worry until it is a month away. OK, so the counter shows a zero in the month slot, no biggie until the race is two weeks away. My latest rationalization is convincing myself that the race won't be close until we hit single digits in the days column (which will be, oh, tomorrow). I've got my back-up plan ready - one week will be the next procrastination marker before panicking.

My body is trained to do the distances. My mental outlook concerns me more. My competitive spirit will not carry me through this race, as I really don't have much of one. More likely, sheer determination will be the emotion that gets me through the tough moments. And remembering to breathe.

I'm focusing on the positive during these last two weeks of workouts. Like forcing myself to run 6 miles in the heat of the day Monday. While I can't say I enjoyed it - I wasn't quite as miserable as I normally would be. Today's Masters swim had a few encouraging moments. Longest distance completed to date in the hour class - 2600 meters. A few fastest 100s - somewhere between 1:45 and 1:47. I am still the slowest in my lane, but sometimes I am almost keeping up (until we go distances beyond 100s).

Relatively, I am still slow and not quite aggressive enough.

Reality, I will never place in my age group (unless I am doing triathlons at 90).

No wait, focus on the positives...

Relatively, I am going further, sometimes even faster, than I ever have in my life.
Reality, finishing Eagleman, hopefully with a few minutes to spare, is really my goal.


margo said...

great seeing you tonight! maybe one day i can be cool like you guys and hang in the masters class. :)

Melissa said...

definitely keep up the positive. i find you to be one of my inspriation peoples! i see you out there busting your butt and looking graceful doing so and i want to be able to keep up with you! so there. take that! i am proud of your training. at eman when you are feelign it for me! haha. ok ok do it for yourself, too. can't wait to see you cross that finish line!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet & modest. In reality, you are a superstar and soon to be a half-ironwoman. :)


Jonah Holland said...

I'm so impressed with your swim times and accomplishments. I wish i'd spent as much time swimming as you. I'm lucky if I do it once a week....and hoping it doesn't come and bite me on the but on raceday!

6 miles in the HOT sun, great job. So, what I want to know is when are you going to start packing your tranistion bag!

TriGirl 40 said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement and support. Jones - you and Fave could so do the Masters class. Fave - Thanks for the compliments - and you're just as inspirational - look how far you've come in your first year! SQ - NO, YOU are too sweet! And Triathlonmom - good gosh, I am thinking I should start packing this weekend after the sprint. (BTW - you are an amazing swimmer and are so ready for a week from (gulp) Sunday.

Robin said...

OOoh, Eagleman so close, I'm very excited for you. Don't forget to just *enjoy* the day, that's the best tip I've ever heard (sounds strange, but it works).

I wish you well, you have trained strong and your body is ever stronger. The only race that matters is within ourselves, and you have proved to be a capable road warrior in that one!

Best at Eagleman, looking forward to the race report.

Diane said...

Sounds speedy fast to me!