Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fezzy and Mommy’s Water Adventures – by Fezzy

Mommy’s home!

I hear the garage door open and know it means Mommy is home, since Daddy, the Butt and I are all hanging out together in the backyard. Mommy walks outside and I am so happy – I start bounding about around her feet. The Butt runs over, too, for a head rub. Then it is my turn. Mommy picks me up and I know I am about to get tons of kisses.

But Daddy tattles on me as Mommy starts sniffing the air. Though I was a very good boy and made it through the morning with a dry crate, I just couldn’t hold it long enough in the afternoon. My crate is so tiny; I accidentally stepped in the mess a few times.

Mommy leaves for a few minutes and comes back in different clothes. She picks me up and tells me I am about to have my first bath. I don’t really know what a bath is, but Mommy carries me over to the sink, right near where my treats are, so I figure it has to be good!

Mommy turns on the water. She does that when she feeds me, so I am really happy and excited now.

Suddenly, Mommy is putting ME under the water. I am not one bit happy anymore.






I wiggle and cry and make the most pitiful sounds I can muster. But Mommy is just laughing at me and telling me it is going to be OK.


I squirm and shake and Mommy tells me if I relax, it will be so much easier.


Finally, Mommy turns the water off. She seems sad because I am shivering. She wraps me up in a towel. I am still traumatized, but happy that I am out of the water.

Then we go upstairs and Mommy takes out the big plastic toy she points at her hair everyday. She turns it on and starts aiming it at ME!

Suddenly it is very windy and Mommy is brushing me. This isn’t as bad as the water, but it is also not nearly as good as playing or eating.

The wind continues for a long time. When it stops, Mommy finally gives me all the kisses I’ve been waiting for and tells me how handsome I am. I start to forgive her and cuddle up around her neck as we head back downstairs.

Mommy holds me close as she sits on the couch and begins to talk to Daddy. Yawn, this bath thing has made me very tired, so I curl up in her lap, as close as I can to her warm tummy.

I hear her tell Daddy that she was in the water, too, this morning. I perk up my ears, concerned - poor Mommy! But Mommy goes on to talk about swimming in the water - and it sounds like she enjoyed it. She had something called a guppy lesson before she went to work. At first she was worried, because she had two exercise classes the day before and didn’t know if she would be too sore to move. She tells Daddy that the class went very well. When swimming was finished, her coach, Ironwoman Canada, was speaking with her and a mutual friend and said that Mommy’s stroke was “looking beautiful,” though not terribly fast yet (I believe it - because it sounds just like when Mommy strokes my fur!).

Mommy seems happy with the news. And I wonder if there is hope that I can begin liking the water – I just need to find out more about how I can have a beautiful swim stroke, too.



carmen said...

love the perspective

fez is the smallest writer i know

still havent been in the pool since oct 15

congrats on your beautiful stroke

TriGirl 40 said...

Fezzy says thank you for the compliments - and I thank you for the congrats. You don't have to worry about not swimming for awhile as you already have a beautiful stroke - and are fast!

Anonymous said...

And when, may I ask, is Fezzy going to publish?

TriGirl 40 said...

Mamayogasan - Fezzy is considering a future author engagement - though right now is still distracted by his teething.