Thursday, November 30, 2006

There’s Something About Those Crazy Athletes and Those Who Love Them…

Over Thanksgiving weekend, I learned that my sister-in-law’s best friend (check out her site at Go Mundy Go) signed up for a seven day 545 mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to benefit AIDS research.

Which got me thinking about how so many racers, runners, triathletes, bicyclists, etc. seem to share certain characteristics beyond just signing up for a bunch of races. A commitment to fitness and health. A love of nature and the outdoors. A desire for self-improvement. And, a dedication to looking for ways to help others through these great hobbies.

Over the past year, at least two TriGirls competed in races for Team in Training to help raise funds for finding a cure for leukemia and lymphoma. TriGirls have also helped animal rescue charities and organized meals for the homeless. For the holidays, TriGirls will be coordinating a wish list drive for a family that lost their home through a fire.

This philanthropy seems to extend beyond TriGirls to the entire race community and their cheerleaders. Most events benefit either local or national causes. Other racers’ blogs tell heartwarming stories of raising funds for charities. Friends and families sponsor their loved ones undertaking a fitness challenge.

Maybe it is the extra motivation of knowing that, whether a 5K or an Ironman, the experience is more than just trying to finish or to get a PR – that when you feel tired or “not in the mood” – knowing your body is capable of running, biking or swimming while others struggle with sickness or overwhelming obstacles - reminds you to be grateful – and to stop complaining.

Whatever the reason, it gives me hope that the world can become a better place, full of more and more people that care about healthy lifestyles, the environment – and each other.

Go Mundy Go!


carmen said...

today i "made" my students look at the team hoyt website
if they finished their selfevaluations early

told them thats only one of the reasons why
triathlon is so important!!!

TriGirl 40 said...

What did your students think? Wouldn't be surprised if some of your students end up doing triathlons because of your example!