Sunday, July 05, 2009

Dreeeaaam, Dream, Dream, Dream...

This week, I had my first IMUSA dream.

And like the few other race dreams I've had, this one bore no resemblance to the actual race.

I grab my bike out of transition and head down roads that look surprisingly like those around the Shady Grove Y. I am riding fairly well, though am not thrilled when I notice the asphalt has turned into cobblestones. During this stretch, there is an aid station, which happens to be a bike store. I jump off my bike and start browsing around the store, noticing very cool race tires. A few training buddies (including a few folks I wish were doing Placid with me) show up. I decide I should probably get back on the course, so I jump on the bike and head further down the cobblestone path. After a half mile, I look down and notice I am not on my bike. I curse and turn around. I drop off the bike and start looking for mine. I can't find it. Panicking, I search some more and decide to go back into the bike store. I ask a few folks if they've seen my bike and no one says they have. I go into a back room and see a pencil drawing of my bike. And then notice a bunch of parts that look familiar. I realize that someone stole my bike and dismantled it.

And then I wake up.


Unknown said...

Ahh yes...the dreaded IM stress dreams! Luckily, those kinds of dreams do not come true.