Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My Neglected Blog

I'd like to try to keep up better with my blog. The past few weeks have included some cool and interesting training/recovery moments.

So do I write one big, long, rambling and possibly (probably) uninspired post with no real focus?

Or just tackle some of the updates in separate posts over the next few days (or weeks)?

Or maybe a Facebook style note with a random listing of ten training updates?

OK – that’s about all I can handle for today, folks.


Ceeej said...

The answer is "yes" - write whatever you can, whenever you can, in whatever amounts you can. Those of us that love reading your blog will read it all and be interested and amused, regardless of the form it takes.

And I highly doubt it will be uninspired.

Coachhrd said...

If you can break it up, that may lead to more posts, which will keep our interest in wanting to come back! I know I often go through the same thing - so many thoughts, only so much attention span. Best to break it up, but do what works best for you!

tri-ing races not cases said...

I'm trying to be better too. We need to remember a camera for our weekend rides. Thank goodness we can't bring one to yoga:)

Anonymous said...

It's hard to stay focused 24/7 on the blog...some of my friends (and I included) have lapsed somewhat due to the holidays, back on a training regimen in Jan., etc.
Personally, I LOVE reading whatever you post...keep 'em coming.

Robin said...

Post what you can, when you can! I know it's not always easy to have the time or motivation to sit and write, but I enjoy reading your adventures.