Thursday, July 12, 2007

Not A Diet, But...

Ironwoman Canada had the nerve to leave her guppies and masters students for a whole month to train in Colorado because she was preparing for one of her biggest races of the year - Ironman Lake Placid. Hmph. We plugged along without her on Monday mornings, but it was wonderful to see her again this week - during her brief hiatus home before she leaves for Lake Placid this weekend.

And, boy, is she lean and in top condition. She looks like she will be kickin' some butt on July 22nd.

Which motivated me a bit to take a look at my diet. These past few months I've been eating way more than ever - because I can. A welcome relief from the constant calorie counting and food restrictions I've obsessed about my entire life until this Ironman training. The TRIgirl nutritional clinics have reinforced the idea that this is not the time for deprivation. But in retrospect, did I really need the extra side of cheese at lunch - or the second helping of whatever at dinner because I've been able to get away with it? Would it have hurt to eat a little more consciously?

So, for the past few days anyway, I've been trying to break my gluttony, gleeful, hand rubbing habit of wolfing down whatever looks tempting. I don't know if I'll lose any weight - and I've come to terms with the current number on the scale. Just a few small changes that could lead to losing some fat and gaining some lean muscle mass.

And I'm putting the disclaimer out there now - I'll still be in complete denial about any reports about the wasted calories from wine.


Cyndi said...

It is a proven fact that wine has absolutely no calories!!! Anyone who tells you different is clearly jealous of your ability to use wine as pre-race fuel!! :D


Softball Scout said...

thanks so much for your post on my blog - all of those sentiments are certainly reciprocal. i too am a victim of the second helping "because i can" and need to quit. i'm also trying this new "not eating after 7pm" rule. that'll last about 48 hours probably. anyway - looking forward to seeing you out and about this weekend!!

Jonah Holland said...

Seems like you've got the right attitude to me. You look great to me, but it is you who you have to please, and often we can be our own harshest critic.

Diane said...

You must be looking at yourself in my fun house mirror, because I think you do look lean and fit and fabulous!

Melissa said...

i concur that wine is calorie free and a good source of proper pre-race hydration.

nutrician is one thing i have a hard time focusing on, too. everything looks so good and man this training makes us hungry. good thing we have the clinic next week.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I thought you were looking mighty lean the other day. You are a fish in the water, too!