Wednesday, August 29, 2007

That Little Half IM Coming Up

If you would have told me before Eagleman that there would be a time when I wouldn't be as freaked out before a half IM as I was last May-June, I don't think I'd have believed you.

The truth of the matter is, I've been so focused on logging training hours lately, I haven't paid much attention to the impending Patriot Half - coming up in less than two weeks.

My logical self reminds me that I shouldn't worry about my race time. But little twinges of "I know I shouldn't be thinking this, but how cool would it be to beat my Eagleman time" thoughts start to creep in. Even though I know we ended up with very good race conditions for Eagleman. Even though we are not tapering for the Patriot - it is supposed to be a training exercise. Even though I understand there are more important goals for this race that I need to address - primarily nutrition.

Yes, that plaguing issue - nutrition. I survived Eagleman without hitting my nutrition targets. Working on my calorie consumption has been a priority for the past few weeks. I actually had an hour and a half workout where I almost achieved the 300 calories per hour goal. Now I just need to do that for - oh about 4-5 times longer - for the Patriot.

As Coach G and I discussed last weekend during a bunch of loops at West Creek, with any race, there are factors outside your control - no matter how well trained you are. You can't change a hurricane, an injury, a series of flat tires - or even panicking from a wetsuit that makes you feel like you are drowning. You have to go into the race willing to give it your best, but accepting that your well laid plans, detailed lists and months of preparation can be shot to the wind - leaving you kicking yourself for the "what ifs" and "I could have done betters."

So, on September 8th - in between the race jitters and nerves and doubts - I'll need to put it all in perspective. Practicing a nutrition plan, working through the bike gearing on hills and adding hours to my endurance base - the real tests for this race. Whether I beat my Eagleman time or not does not measure my success of failure as a triathlete, a half IM participant - or my ability to survive IMFL.


Unknown said...

Very well said, DB :)


Tea said...

You said exactly what I've been feeling. I have a HIM on 9/16. Diet and training have been dead on. Then I start thinking too much.

At least, I know that others feel the same way. If I'm going crazy then I'd like to go with a few of my Tri buddies.

Jonah Holland said...

You've come a long way baby! And your mindset is perfect. Good Luck on Patriot. Enjoyed talking to you at dinner.

RunToTheFinish said...

Did you get your nutrition planning from TriGirl? Unfortunately we don't have anything like that here, i think it would be so incredibly helpful to have a group!! And thanks to TEA for turning me on to yet another great blog.

TriGirl 40 said...

Amanda - Yes, the TRIgirl coaches and Ironwoman Canada give great nutritional guidelines for racing - whether a sprint or an Ironman. I'm really lucky to have such great coaches!