Monday, June 23, 2008

The Funk Is Lifting?

I think I've been more in a funk than I realized since losing my mojo a few weeks back.

I'm usually a "glass half full" kind of girl (and make it a big one for my vino, please). But, the last few weeks I've been a bit less positive than usual.

Nothing seemed good enough. The
4.4 swim was not what I expected. I didn't love riding the Blue Ridge as much as others did.

Then a few things happened today. I read a few wonderful blogs and caught another version of the Hoyt video posted on the TRIgirl forum. I pushed myself for the first time in weeks during today's run.

And I realized I've been neglecting some key components to training.

Like TRIgirl CD's word -

Appreciating I am fortunate enough to complete any 4.4 mile swim - to literally swim across a bay - no matter how hard it was or how long it took. To run - as labored and painful as my running is. To be surrounded by wonderful, fabulous, strong team mates and friends.

And - challenge.

It can't and probably shouldn't always be easy. I think I'd reached a comfort level with a few gains I'd made and forgot the fear, pain and struggle it has taken me to achieve even the smallest improvements.

And - perspective.

Perspective that this first Blue Ridge ride didn't have to be about loving the crazy long hills. When your history includes jumping off the bike at the sight of much smaller inclines than this weekend's challenging climbs, maybe "not hating" the Blue Ridge for my first outing was good enough.

And my own word -

Kind of tied to the challenge word above - letting go of the fears and doubts that can so easily provide the excuses to not try something new or that squelch the opportunity to rise above preconceived ideas about limitations.

And TRIgirl SQ's word -

Triathletes can get so caught up in training - the equipment and the gadgets and the nutrition. Sometimes adjusting a workout - to take advantage of a kayaking or hiking opportunity may do more for the mental spirit than any prescribed training. Or letting a friend's happiness in a bike ride (that still seem unfathomable) or another's progress in overcoming the fear of open water - touch the soul and inspire you to remember...

Why you really do this crazy thing called triathlon.


Kate said...

What a great post, very timely for me too. When things aren't going as planned it is so easy to fall into the trap of "not being satisfied". I'm kind of feeling that way myself of late.

Fave said...

when riding the BRP, I was saying to someone - look around and take a moment. how fortunate are we! keep that chin up and tka e a minute to stop and smell the roses.

Unknown said...

You are great. LOVE this post.


Michelle said...

Great post, thanks! I did my first tri this past weekend and it was such a blast! I can't wait to do more. I'm feeling very grateful right now. Sorry I sat on my a$$ for so many years but glad I'm moving now.

tri-ing races not cases said...

I LOVE this post! It is so true.

Robin said...

What a great reminder of the things that are truly important. It sounds like you have some very inspirational friends there. I have a mantra that I repeat when things suck the most out there: "It's a gift and a blessing to be on this road today". It might not always feel true when I start saying it, but if I keep listening then it becomes true again.