Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Training Goals - By Fezzy

Lately, Mommy has been doing all this crazy talk about training goals for me and her.

Everyday, I remind her with my super good behavior about how quickly I learned to go into my crate when Mommy and Daddy are leaving the house. Mommy has never had a furkid that she didn't have to chase down, with elaborate traps and fast reflexes, when it was crate time. I totally shocked her when I just followed the treat she held for me in the crate and plopped my cute little self down. Now, sometimes I can even guess when Mommy is about to leave and just head right on in - waiting oh so patiently for my biscuit and fuzzy toy.

You would think that would be enough, but Mommy had decided that it is time for a new goal for me - something about not jumping all over people when they walk in the house. I am choosing to ignore her lessons as they seem stupid. I am only showing how excited I am to see my favorite people or to meet someone new. I am hoping to train Mommy on this one.

But, I'll give her a little slack, as I've heard her mumbling about whether she should try to plan for more specific training goals. She is wondering if her current attempts to just survive a workout or even her loosely defined aspirations to "be a little faster" should be thought through a little more.

And the more she thinks about her training goals, hopefully the less she will think about mine.


Annn said...

I have missed Fezzy posts.

My children are sitting around me arguing about how beautiful Fezzy is.

Melissa said...

Dearest Fezzy,

I have wondered where you have been. I guess your jumping training has you too tuckered out to blog. We understand.

As for your furmommy's goals- i think she is very dedicated and can do anything she wants to. when she feel scomfortable with the distance - sure she can up the speed as she feels. but she is already mighty fabulous in my book.

Hugs and Kisses,

Diane said...

Fezzy, you're a sweetie to cut mommy some slack. I've seen her workouts - and I don't think I could even survive them. And btw, I think you're adorable when you great me at the door.

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Too cute! I'm all excited because Kona the Puppy Monster finally started going into his crate without a battle, but the whole jumping on people thing is still a major work in progress : ) (At least yours gets adorable points for jumping on visitors, people just think mine is trying to eat them!)

carmen said...

as long as fezzy maintains his weight
his jumping is not troublesome!

love that creative writing with a message

and the picture is a special bonus

Anonymous said...

Dear Fezzy,

I haven't met you, but I agree with you. What is wrong with jumping on your favorite people? My mom gets mad at me too when I do that. I, on the other hand, do not like crates. Mom got rid of mine when I was just a pup because it freaked me out so much. Now, I just sleep under the bed.
And - tell your mom she is a super-duper triathlete!

Love, Josie L.