Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Little Melancholy

Though I guess the official start to this journey to Ironman began last November, I've been wondering lately if the "twinkle in the eye" happened about a year ago, last September, when I signed up for Eagleman.

A lot has happened in the past eleven months. I've learned to not only swim in a wetsuit, but to also like it. I completed two half marathons. I've swum, biked and run the longest distances in my life. And, of course, I finished Eagleman!

This year, the Eagleman registration opened a month earlier - on August 1. With a little melancholy, I've observed the excitement of others as they have signed up for the race. My name will not be on the participant list.

As of now, I'm planning on two half IMs next year - White Lake and Mightyman. Then, if I survive Florida, maybe another IM in 2009 (I'm thinking somewhere very far away with amazing Sauvignon Blanc...).

Eagleman 2007 will always hold a special place in my heart - the excitement and trepidation after hitting the registration submit button, the fear and panic race morning, the happiness and satisfaction of crossing the finish line, and all the hard work in between.


Diane said...

My friends offered to host some TriGirls for MightyMan next year... something to thikn about!