Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gym Cast

I always enjoy when my favorite bloggers post about the characters they find in their gyms - it is kind of like virtual people watching.

I belong to a local YMCA - and the branch I usually go to is frequented by fairly serious athletes and triathletes - a higher percentage than you might find at most Ys.

But, there are a few interesting regulars, like Yogaman - a budda like, very flexible, older gentleman who can spend hours on the side of the pool going through Tai Chi poses and standing on his head.

The other day, I ran into two others. I'd just finished swimming a few laps with Guppy SW and was getting ready for weight torture with Ironwoman Canada. Hence, my hair was wet. A woman walked into the locker room, heading my way. She leaned over and stared into my face, with a perplexed look of disgust, saying "How did you get THAT sweaty?"

I briefly considered breaking out the blow dryer and hair spray before repulsing the rest of the Tuckahoe Y members. Though being late for Ironwoman Canada seemed a worse wrath, so I walked over to the weight room, while adjusting my wet bangs.

Soon, Ironwoman Canada had D2 and me really sweating (so I kept on alert for the locker room woman). We were stationed near the back of the gym, on like the 100th alternating lunge, when an older woman barrelled toward me, barking out "Class coming through!" It was obvious she wasn't stopping or rerouting her path for me - so I jumped out of her way - letting her pass before resuming my lunges. Within seconds, the rest of the geriatric posse followed - making it clear that we were in the way of the route they've traveled from their 7 am class through the 10,000 square foot gym since retirement.

On the bright side, they did get me out of a few lunges.


Anonymous said...

We used to belong to Am Fam in Mechanicsville. I could go on for hours about the laughs I got "people watching" out there. Quite a few took themselves waaaaay too seriously!

carmen said...

hahahahahahaha the sweaty coment is priceless!