Monday, August 11, 2008

More Sleep, More Dreams

A recent Anneurysm post reminded me of a dream from last week.

It has been awhile since I've had a
triathlon dream.

TRIgirl BL and I showed up together for a swim clinic in the James River. Except that the river dead-ended with a gradual ramp type entrance, kind of like water park wave pools (but with green, dingy river water). Buoys floated about, marking the course - and I was excited because it promised to be a great open water swim opportunity.

We must have arrived late, because most of the swimmers were already cruising through the river as we put on our swim cap and goggles.

Since the swimmers had started, we decide to try to jump in at the far end of the course.

This is when I notice a fabulous water jungle gym set-up, complete with a few slides.

As we enter the water, we notice that the coach has crafted an interesting drill - at the first turn of the course, instead of making a left, swimmers were "climbing" the water slides - which look surprising similar to the ski jump at IMUSA.

And then they were able to run to the other side and slide back down to return back to the swim course.


Sarah said...

That sounds like a fun diversion in a swim course. I think someone should try that :-)

tri-ing races not cases said...

This sounds like way more fun than an OW swim in the James :)