Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy Holidays (albeit belated)

Hope everyone had a great holiday. The hubby, furkids and I are on our way home from spending Christmas in New York. We had a wonderful time – and I can’t believe the holiday season is winding down for another year.

Though I have to say, I’m not sure if it was the extra workouts, the excitement of a new puppy, a work schedule that did not lighten up as much as previous years, or just general malaise, but it seemed harder to get into the holiday spirit this year. I went through the motions – put up the decorations, mailed the cards, baked the cookies, etc. – but didn’t really experience the “holiday feeling” until the 22nd, when I was wrapping up the last few presents and suddenly started to feel a mixture of excitement and sentimentality – a touch of the wonderment that made waiting for Christmas seem like an eternity when growing up.

So for four days, IMFL was back burnered – though I was told by a friend that doing it seemed obsessive – and really just tried to enjoy the exhausting whirlwind that is Christmas. I ate what I wanted – and didn’t worry about missing my scheduled bike and weight class. I did fit in two short runs – including one made more special because my brother joined me. But mostly, I enjoyed the annual traditions and the time spent with family, the furkids and friends.

Tomorrow I’ll be getting back on track with workouts – and cutting calories here or there to loose the couple of pounds I’m pretty sure I gained the last few days. But the slip was worth it – for the last three or four days, the holiday cheer abounded by being able to enjoy Christmas with the folks I care about most. And you just can’t take that for granted.


TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

It's good that you took time to enjoy being with friends and family at Christmastime. Training for IM Fla will become an obsession and can easily squeeze out time for friends and family.

Balance... try to keep the balance.

Stay tuned...

TriGirl 40 said...

So my friend was right about IM being obsessive, LOL! Seriously, thanks for the encouraging words!