Geez, I am so out of the loop with blogging. I remember finishing races, thinking about the highlights or blunders I'd post about.
But yes, I did race - and yes, I had a rumpusing time.
Race eve kicked off with a trip to Bumpass for packet pick-up with MollyMary. It was hot and windy - and Lake Anna looked more choppy than I'd ever seen it. We did one easy loop of the bike course and a transition run (which I complained about the entire time). Then, I jumped in the chilly water for a quick swim to test my new wetsuit and to try to remember what open water swimming felt like.
Back at home, the Traffic Connoisseur and Rainbow kindly stopped by to share a nutritious and delicious pre-race dinner (TC's yummy Roman Pasta). Rainbow made a wonderful salad - and TC brought the wine. We had a lovely meal, sitting outside, until poor Rainbow's allergies flared up.
Can I tell you how much I love a 10:00 race start? I slept well and woke up around 7:00 to enjoy a leisurely breakfast before heading back up to Lake Anna.
Upon arrival, the water was still looking rough. I ran into MollyMary, MaryMolly and the Barracudas - who were also racing. Soon after, SuperAnnn and JenBo arrived. Their Super Sherpa duties started with magic candy to supplement my bento box and bottles filled with warm water to take the chill off the swim start.
I was very relaxed - and given my last few weeks of training - my goal was to have fun - and maybe push the bike.
With the horn sending my wave off, the race started. The choppiness was annoying. It seemed to take a long time to reach the first buoy. Things eased up after the first turn - and I felt like I was sighting well (unusual for me) and getting into a swimming grove. Given that my pool times have been improving and hearing the hoots and hollers coming from SuperAnnn and JenBo - I figured I must have had a great swim.
Until I got out of the water and saw my time - close to 35 minutes. Probably my worst Olympic distance time other than my first attempt at Naylor's! Really couldn't do anything besides chuckle.
Off on the bike, I circled the two loop course. Though windy in stretches, I still felt good (and checking in with my bike computer reassured me that I was actually having a solid ride). My Super Sherpas encouraged me with their huge cheers on both loops. Close to my best bike - I came in right around 1:15.
As always, I'd love to end my race (and blog post) here, but there's that dang run.
The day had heated up, but it was still nice run weather - the strong wind finally providing some relief. The rolling two loop course was what I remembered, with each of the out and back stretches on the main road (done twice) seeming way longer than 2.6 miles.
I stuck to my plan of having fun - meaning I didn't worry about my slow pace or walking a few hills. And 1:04 later, feeling better during that last 1/4 mile than I did for the entire run, I crossed the finish line - 14 seconds shy of a PR and just under 3 hours total.
And I'll take that.
SuperAnnn and JenBo had special surprises at the finish - a birthday tiara, cupcake and champagne. I can't thank them enough for all their kindness and support. Much thanks to Super Annn and her tri photographer Dad for my favorite race montage:

Post race, we spent a few hours relaxing in the fading sun on JenBo's beach. Then I headed back home to meet up with the Barracudas for an evening full of great wine, food and conservation.
All in all - a wonderful day, full of amazing friends, a fun race...
and the bestest birthday!