Thursday, February 28, 2008

The New Lane of Joy

Ironwoman Canada stirred things up a bit at yesterday's Masters class.

First, instead of sequentially placing us in the pool from slowest to fastest, she re-orged the lanes. The Lane of Dread, normally the 3rd lane, was moved to the 5th lane, typically occupied by the second fastest swimmers (who seem to have a completely different workout than a bunch of us). I have no idea where those guys ended up - but it was kind of neat to not feel so obviously "ranked."

Second, she placed more TRIgirls in the Lane of Dread. I think out of the six or seven swimmers - 2/3 were TRIgirls. TRIgirls
Fave and KO have joined me in the Lane of Dread before (and have kindly let me draft off them) - but I was so happy for TRIgirl SQ, who, I believe, completed her first entire Masters in the LoD, with much more grace and speed than my initial attempts.

Thanks to them, the Lane of Dread might need to be renamed - it might need to be called the new Lane of Joy.

We've got a few more TRIgirls who are on the verge of graduating. Soon the Lane of Dread Lane of Joy II, will be the "IT" place to be.


Unknown said...

You are such an encouraging person. Love you!


p.s. I will be drafting off of everyone for a long, long while. Kate O is so patient.

Anonymous said...

I love sharing the Gupfish lane with you girls!

Anonymous said...

Anywhere you are is THE place to be, baby!