Sunday, January 07, 2007


At least once or twice during bike or weight class, Coach M will call out a resounding “Yummy!”

But it has never been about food.

Nope, his yummies are about how he and the other coaches have concocted new devious ideas to take training up a notch (or three).

Let’s do push-ups resting our hands on an exercise ball. Yummy!

How about with two exercise balls? Extra Yummy! (I’m convinced one day I am going to nose dive right down between those balls and land smack on my face.)

Chest presses lying on the exercise ball – using a tough weight. Yummy!

Now let’s hold the dumbbells up in the air instead of down by your chest during the rest part of the press. Extra Yummy!

Four sets of 30 second intervals on the bike trying to hit 50 or more revolutions. Yummy!

Why not a fifth set for a full minute? Extra Yummy!

Level 5, Level 6, Level 8 – oh, how about Level 9 - on the bike trainer? Yummy!

Level 9 – and stand up. Extra Yummy!

So, I guess what happened at TRIgirl Devil Face’s birthday dinner (Happy Birthday, TriJinx!) shouldn’t have been a complete surprise. Devil Face had selected a fabulous sounding restaurant to celebrate. Even during the morning bike class (yes, the one with the infamous fifth set mentioned above) we were drooling with anticipation for the delectable meal that awaited us. TRIgirl Molly Who? reminded us about the number of Weight Watcher points our classes burn up – so we had already justified picking whatever we wanted on the menu.

I ordered a pasta dish with wild mushrooms and truffle sauce. Giddy with excitement as the garlic smell permeated the air, I grabbed my fork, gingerly wrapped the pasta around it, carefully selected a mushroom – and took my first bite.

“Yummy!” I exclaimed.

And what did I start thinking about? The lovely flavors in my mouth? A sip of wine to make my tastebuds even happier?

Uh, no, I envsioned exercise class – and the torture that usually follows after hearing a “Yummy!”

I’ll be looking up synonyms for “yummy” to use at my next restaurant outing.


TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Now I'm really hungry for somethin' after reading your blog. But I don't know if I should exercise or eat.


Stay tuned...

Nancy Toby said...

I think Coach M might make me vomit! YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

YUMMY. That coach is yummy. So is garlicy pasta.

carmen said...

what a hilarious post!

mostly glad you enjoyed the pasta
we should celebrate my birthday
every weekend

and we know grandison thinks that coach is yummy
lets hope baby number three
enjoys the garlic!

Jonah Holland said...

now you've spoiled yummy for me! But you can bet that's what i'll be thinking about when Coach E tells us to "Stand Up--level 9". By the way, am I a masochist because I find it easier to stand up in my hardest gear then my easiest gear?

TriGirl 40 said...

Think the key is to leave enough time between exercising or eating or the yummy may not be so yummy either way. And I agree, standing up in Level 9 in some ways is easier than in Level 5 - more resistance possibly?

Melissa said...

he does go yummy for the word yummy!