They are looking strong, relaxed, confident and READY!
Saturday is going to be an amazing day!

Started to document my 12 month journey to Ironman Florida in 2007. Now I'm hooked - on blogging and Ironman!
Posted by TriGirl 40 at Thursday, October 30, 2008 1 comments
Labels: IMFL
There are several TRIgirl posts out there already.
This is just another one to send a little more...
To all you IMFLers this year.
You are more:
Ready than you think.
Prepared than you know.
Stronger than you realize.
Enjoy every moment - and relish the experience.
And know there will be many cheering you on from central Virginia!
Posted by TriGirl 40 at Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1 comments
Labels: IMFL
I've posted before about my aversion to going to the doctor and my lack of being aware of what is going on in my body.
Before the Chesapeake swim, I was having some trouble with my left shoulder. I chalked it off to the super long workouts - especially when it seemed to get better after the swim that kicked my...
Until a month or so ago when I noticed the discomfort again. My shoulder wasn't happy when swimming, though I ignored it. Taking off my shirt at night became a painful event. I literally was dragging my bad arm up using the momentum of pulling my shirt off with the good arm.
Still, though, I just ignored it - and thought I was being a wimp.
I didn't want to say anything before MightyMan, because I didn't want to hear what I expected to be the answer.
So I kept mum until after MightyMan. When I finally told Ironwoman Canada, pointing to the bothersome area. All the time expecting to hear - you need to go to the doctor and rest for a few weeks.
But she said - that sounds like tendonitis. Take Ibuprofren (where I interrupted and said how I don't like to take drugs, until she pointed out this was part of the treatment - not to just mask the symptoms) and ice it for a week or so.
Not completely convinced, I started on the Ibuprofen (I wasn't quite as consistent with the icing). I had no idea how bad things were until they started to get better. Not quite 100%, but a noticeable improvement!
I could take my shirt off by lifting both arms up.
I could sleep at night without keeping my left arm tucked into my side.
And today, I swam. Holy cow - my left arm could actually "pull" too.
Maybe next time, I'll speak up a little sooner.
Posted by TriGirl 40 at Monday, October 20, 2008 5 comments
Labels: doctor, Ironwoman Canada, swim
I tried to convince myself that the skies didn't look too dark - maybe the rain was just a passing shower.
Posted by TriGirl 40 at Monday, October 13, 2008 11 comments
...and so, onto race day.
Not my best sleep, nor my worst sleep, preceded MightyMan. I snoozed well for a few hours before I woke for good, even before the alarm or the back-up call from my mom.
This was probably the first triathlon I'd ever been completely alone during the early morning pre-race hours. Quietly and calmly, I ate a yummy New York bagel, uncrustables sandwich, half banana and some coffee. Part of me felt unsettled; I didn't know what to do with myself. My bags were ready and breakfast was done way before expected.
So, unlike the normal me, I loaded up the car to head out early to the race site. Walking outside, I thought, "Wow, it is not nearly so cold as last night."
Which should have sent up a red flag.
I drove the mile or so to the race site and found parking within a couple of hundred meters of the transition area. So close, that even though the skies were still dark, it was easy to grab my many bags, along with Patriot Sangria, to begin the process of setting up for the day.
Again, with no team mates or friends with me, set-up went by quickly. I was done by 5:30 am. An hour and 14 minutes before my race wave was to start. I listened as the girl next to me, a Nationals Champion, talked about how she hadn't trained for the race. I listened to a nearby guy as he questioned who was or wasn't positioned correctly on the racks. And I listened as another nearby racer shared that rain was now hitting "the city" and heading our way.
What? Sunny, crisp and dry weather had been predicted for the past ten days? This dude had to be wrong. Though the humid warm air quickly went from a welcome surprise to a foreboding warning.
After trying to amuse myself walking around and wasting time, the race director called us all down to the water. From then on, things went by quickly.
There was one wave scheduled before the yellow caps (the old ladies). It was still fairly dark and a bunch of us wondered what the race directors were thinking - sending the old ladies out before it was bright enough to see all the buoys.
With the warmer air temperature, Fort Pond seemed much colder than expected. I swam a few strokes and tried to adjust to the chilliness. And then, we, the old ladies, were off to battle the dark, chilly water (thank goodness it was calm).
In most races, I've positioned myself near the back, Though, with this race and Ironwoman Canada's encouragement, I decided to place myself more in the middle.
For me, there was a notable difference trying to hang "with the pack," even though it was a wave start and there was an 800 cap for the number of racers. Fort Pond was small, so the start resembled an IM race - with folks desperately trying to find an advantage by swimming over each other. It was a good experience, as I tried to balance letting the stronger swimmers go ahead, with holding my own against the rest of the crowd.
I think I positioned myself well, not many yellow caps passed me. I finished the swim feeling strong. I looked at my watch, which said I swam my first sub 40 minute half. Though my swim split was higher, with the timing mat at transition vs. the swim exist. I am not sure if my watch was accurate or if the run to T1 was longer than I thought. T1 seemed to take forever. I wasn't freezing, but worried about the weather predictions. Pulling-up arm warmers on wet limbs was not easy.
Finally, I was heading out of T1. I crossed the mount line. And within minutes of being on the bike course, the rain began to fall.
Posted by TriGirl 40 at Thursday, October 09, 2008 3 comments
Labels: biek, Mightyman, open water swim
Where to begin?
Posted by TriGirl 40 at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4 comments
Labels: Mightyman