Saturday, June 30, 2007


I love my new bike. I LOVE my new bike.

At the suggestion of Triathlonmom, because she is red, white and blue and because we will be doing the Patriot Half later this year and because it is so close to July 4th, Patriot will be either her first or middle name. Still need a wine related one, too, though.

Yeah, Patriot and I are getting to know each other, though our first outing went wonderfully. Not sure how she felt about her new Sip Away cup and Bento Box, but she tolerated it. Her seat is way too low (got in a great quad workout today) - and the aerobars need to come up and maybe in a bit, too. She is happy I not only adjusted to, but also love, the gear shifting on the aerobars, her responsive brakes and the way-cool clipless pedals that may actually need to be tightened. We are already making progress on flats and downhills, but I need to figure out how to work with her on the uphills.

Patriot and I have many miles ahead of us - and if she can deal with her less experienced rider, she may just have the satisfaction of seeing her new owner become a more confident and possibly faster bicyclist.


Melissa said...

congratulations, you will really shine with patriot at your side...or under you?

Anonymous said...

yeah for new bikes!

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Yay for sexy new bike porn!!

(As for where I got the paddle store pic, one of my girlfriends sent it to me. No clue where she came up with it.)

Softball Scout said...

she's beauuuuuutiful!! it was great seeing you at the race today!!

Anonymous said...

That bike is a gem - like her owner. :)